Thanks to "My Rose Valley" for posting this tidbit of wonderful information about the health benefits of walking. As I get older, I am realizing more and more my need to get some me time and get out there and exercise again, but being as busy as I am, have a hard time finding the time or the desire to do so. Facing certain health problems now, I am know faced with the fact that I MUST start making some changes, regardless if anyone else is with me or not. I am reposting her bit of information, as it is something I know I will need to come back to time and again as gentle reminders and encouragement along the way. Who will walk with me??
My goal for this week is a minimum
15 minutes a day, preferably 30 minutes a day. Because it is a little bit like starting all over and considering the weather reports I think this is a fair goal.
To inspire you a bit to put those walking shoes on I have collected an benefits of walking list below. Enjoy!
♥ Short brisk walks helps to control your blood pressure.
♥ Walking reduces the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer.
♥ Walking strengthens your heart and can reduce the risk of a heart attack with 35%. This is if you walk a minimum of 3 hours or more a week on a regular basis. :D
♥ Walking prevents Type 2 diabetes. Walking
a minimum of 1 hour and 30 minutes in combination with loosing some of
your extra kilos can reduce your risk of diabetes with approx 50%.
♥ Walking releases endorphins and can help beat mild depression.
Scientific studies shows that walking can be just as efficient as an
antidepressant for mild depression. Do you get the blues this time of
the year? Take a walk!
♥ 15 minutes of walking can reduce your sugar cravings. Are you craving chocolate or sweet treats? Take a walk!
♥ When walking uphill you burn up to 30% more calories than walking on a flat and it helps toning your bottom and thighs. That is great! :)
♥ Walking downhill helps toning your bottom and thighs as well. This is even better. :D
♥ After just one day of walking you have increased your metabolic rate and start burning more calories faster.
♥ After a few weeks of walking your quality of sleep gets better. You sleep deeper and feel more rested in the morning.
♥ After a few weeks of walking your immune system in general gets better. :D
♥ Walking is proven to be one of the most efficient ways of getting a slim waist and narrow hips if that is what you wish for (at least I do wish for less love handles material...)
The list can go on of course. Just surf the Internet about walking and
you can't help but feeling a NEED to get out there. I have to admit I
have felt a bit fatigue and down lately and this might just be a result
of me not getting my daily boost of fresh air, endorphins and blood
flow. So come on girls. It is never to late. It is not over yet. Come Walk With Me
again. Explore how nature is becoming a firework of flowers, leaf buds
and green grass fields right now. Share it on your blog. This week I
will share a walk from work because I am so lucky to have a teeny tiny
forest close by that I usually walk through on my coffee breaks. So, see
you later my friend. And don't forget to write down your minutes. And
to report next Saturday if you can.